Results for 'Rainer M. E. Jacobi'

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  1. Am Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde: Grundfragen der Naturphilosophie.Rainer-M. E. Jacobi (ed.) - 2022 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Viktor von Weizsäckers im Wintersemester 1919/20 vor Hörern aller Fakultäten an der Heidelberger Universität gehaltene Vorlesung bildet nicht nur die religionsphilosophische Grundlegung seiner Medizinischen Anthropologie, sie antwortet auch auf die geistige Krise jener Zeit mit einer neuen Ordnung, die eine sehr alte ist: die biblische Schöpfungsgeschichte.Am Leitfaden der Genesis geht es um das Verhältnis von Mensch, Natur und Gott - letztlich aber um das Urphänomen einer Gegensätzlichkeit, wie sie vom Schöpfungsbericht überliefert wird. Mit den Fragen nach Himmel und Erde, nach (...)
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    Vom Gott der Philosophen. Religionsphilosophische Erkundungen.Rainer M. E. Jacobi - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (4):348-354.
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    Ethische Implikationen der Medizinischen Anthropologie Viktor von Weizsäckers.Rainer-M. E. Jacobi - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (1):63-65.
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    Schmerz Und Sprache: Zur Medizinischen Anthropologie Viktor von Weizsäckers.Rainer-M. E. Jacobi (ed.) - 2012 - Winter.
    Im Jahr 1926 veroffentlichte Viktor von Weizsacker im ersten Jahrgang der von ihm gemeinsam mit Martin Buber und Joseph Wittig begrundeten Zeitschrift "Die Kreatur" einen Essay unter dem Titel "Die Schmerzen." Als sprachliche Form des Umgangs mit dem Schmerz wird dieser Text gleichwohl zum Pladoyer fur das Problematische am Verhaltnis von Schmerz und Sprache. Die Not der Unsagbarkeit lasst den Schmerz zum Indikator fur den Verlust einer Ordnung werden, die Sprache wie Leben allererst ermoglicht. "So wird die Wahrnehmung des Schmerzes (...)
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    Die Einheit von Wahrnehmen und Bewegen bei Viktor von Weizsäcker: Anmerkungen zur Ideengeschichte der Philosophie der Verkörperung.Rainer-M. E. Jacobi - 2017 - In Christian Tewes, Thomas Fuchs & Gregor Etzelmüller (eds.), Verkörperung - Eine Neue Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie. De Gruyter. pp. 161-190.
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    Rainer-M. E. Jacobi, Peter C. Claussen, Peter Wolf (Hrsg) (2001) Die Wahrheit der Begegnung. Anthropologische Perspektiven der Neurologie. Festschrift für Dieter Janz: Beiträge zur Medizinischen Anthropologie 3, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 589 S., 65,50 EUR, ISBN 3-8260-1951-2. [REVIEW]Hartwig Wiedebach - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):129-131.
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    Klaus Gahl, Peter Achilles, Rainer-M. E. Jacobi (Hrsg) (2008) Gegenseitigkeit. Grundfragen medizinischer Ethik : Beiträge zur Medizinischen Anthropologie, Bd. 5, im Auftrag der Victor von Weizsäcker Gesellschaft, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 508 Seiten, 49,80 €, ISBN 978-3-8260-3325-4.Frank Mathwig - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (4):365-366.
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    Index locorum.E. A. Barber, J. Barns, H. D. Broadhead, A. M. Dale, D. Daube, K. J. Dover, J. A. Faris, P. Fraser, A. Hudson-Williams & F. Jacoby - unknown - Diogenes 8 (284-6):30.
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    (1 other version)Reviews of Gennaro Chtjerchia, Dynamics of meaning: anaphora, presupposition, and the the [sic] of grammar. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.xv+ 270 pp, £59.95 , £31.95 G. Priest, Beyond the limits of thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xv 4-274pp. £35.00 Marco Panza and Jean Michel Salankis, L'Objectivité Mathématique. Platonisme et Structures Formelles, Paris: Masson, 1995. ix+241 pp. No Price stated Peter Øhrstrøm and PER F. V. HASLE, Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995. viii+413 pp. DM 140/$99.00/£63.00. ISBN 0792335864 L. M. De Rijk , Iohannes Buridanus Summulae de Praedicabilibus Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1995. xliv + 82 pp. No price stated E. P. Bos , Iohannes Buridanus Summulae in Praedicamenta Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1994. liv+ 157 pp. No Price stated R. Van Der Lecq and H. A. G. Braakhuis , Iohannes Buridanus Questiones Elencorum Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1994. xxxviii +153 pp. No price stated D. Mi. [REVIEW]Rainer Bäuerle, N. da Costa, O. Bueno, Javier De Lorenzo & Alberto Zanardo - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1 & 2):155-177.
    Gennaro Chtjerchia, Dynamics of meaning: anaphora, presupposition, and the the of grammar. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.xv+ 270 pp, £59.95, £31.95 G. Pr...
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    F. H. Jacobi: Dall'illuminismo all'idealismo. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):551-551.
    The great value of this book does not lie in any new discovery but in its being the most comprehensive monograph to date on the major ideas of Jacobi's thinking as well as on the relationship of the "philosopher of faith" to the leading German thinkers of his time. The first chapters are devoted to a subtle analysis—focussing mainly on his novels—of the moral aspirations underlying his philosophical oeuvre. The next major theme is the well-known polemics with M. Mendelssohn (...)
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    Essere e Alterita in Martin Buber. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):120-120.
    This study is intended as a part of a larger work containing two more monographs, one on interpersonal relations and transcendence in Romano Guardini, the other on Rudolf Bultmann and his critique of metaphysical transcendence. The thought of Buber is traced here to its historical sources in the Jewish tradition but also in Jacobi and Kierkegaard. These two authors are in fact the only ones who attempt to preserve the finitude of the human subject vis-à-vis transcendence at the very (...)
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    Die Praktische Philosophie Schellings und die gegenwärtige Rechtsphilosophie.Hans-Martin Pawlowski, Stefan Smid & Rainer Specht (eds.) - 1989 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Inhalt: Vorwort von H.-M. Pawlowski / S. Smid / R. Specht - H.-M. Pawlowski: Probleme der Rechtsbegrundung im Staat der Glaubensfreiheit - V. Gerhardt: Selbstandigkeit und Selbstbestimmung. Freiheit bei Kant und Schelling - H. Folkers: Die durch Freiheit gebaute Stadt Gottes - W. E. Ehrhardt: Mythologie und Offenbarung der Freiheit - W. Bartuschat: Uber Spinozismus und menschliche Freiheit beim fruhen Schelling - C. Cesa: Schellings Kritik des Naturrechts - H. J. Sandkuhler: F. W. J. Schelling - Philosophie als Seinsgeschichte und (...)
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  13. La Révélation de M. Merleau-Ponty et F. H. Jacobi contre l’intellectualisme kantien.Stéphane Roy-Desrosiers - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:401-413.
    M. Merleau-Ponty and F. H. Jacobi’s Revelation against Kantian IntellectualismThe goal of this article is to shed light on the neglected connection between Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961). It will be shown through certain themes –I) being in the world, II) description, III) reflexion, IV) revelation and the V) primacy of perception – how Merleau-Ponty echoes Jacobi’s criticism of German Idealism during the Pantheist Quarrel, particularly towards Immanuel Kant’s intellectualist stance, two centuries prior to (...)
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  14. Forst on Reciprocity of Reasons: a Critique.Thomas M. Besch - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (3):357-382.
    According to Rainer Forst, (i) moral and political claims must meet a requirement of reciprocal and general acceptability (RGA) while (ii) we are under a duty in engaged discursive practice to justify such claims to others, or be able to do so, on grounds that meet RGA. The paper critically engages this view. I argue that Forst builds a key component of RGA, i.e., reciprocity of reasons, on an idea of the reasonable that undermines both (i) and (ii): if (...)
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    Critical Interruptions. [REVIEW]W. R. E. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):747-747.
    The thesis of this book is that Herbert Marcuse is "indispensable to the theory and practice of the New Left." The one-dimensional quality of contemporary everyday life is to be disrupted by a critical theory of society based upon the works of Karl Marx as interpreted and brought to bear upon the 20th Century. Hence, this collection of six New Left studies on Herbert Marcuse is called Critical Interruptions. The contributors are former students of Marcuse and all are younger than (...)
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  16. On Discursive Respect.Thomas M. Besch - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (2):207-231.
    Moral and political forms of constructivism accord to people strong, “constitutive” forms of discursive standing and so build on, or express, a commitment to discursive respect. The paper explores dimensions of discursive respect, i.e., depth, scope, and purchase; it addresses tenuous interdependencies between them; on this basis, it identifies limitations of the idea of discursive respect and of constructivism. The task of locating discursive respect in the normative space defined by its three dimensions is partly, and importantly, an ethical task (...)
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    L'analyse du langage théologique. Le nom de Dieu and Débats sur le langage théologique. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):761-761.
    Castelli has again managed to bring together in Rome some of the greatest specialists of mythology, biblical exegesis, of the different branches of linguistics, with a generous sprinkling of philosophers, theologians, and historians. From the very large number of contributions, especially important are E. Benveniste: Blasphemy and euphemy; K. Kerényi: The language of theology and the theology of language; D. McKinnon: The problem of "the system of projection" in reference to the Christian theological affirmations; R. Panikkar: Silence and word, The (...)
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    One-by-One or All-at-Once? Self-Reporting Policies and Dishonesty.Rainer M. Rilke, Amos Schurr, Rachel Barkan & Shaul Shalvi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Osservazioni sulla recente edizione delle Glossae super Peri Hermeneias di Pietro Abelardo (Jacobi-Strub) e sul codice Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 63 sup.Caterina Tarlazzi - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (2):313-327.
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  20. Argumentation. Approaches to Theory Formation.E. M. Barth & J. L. Martens - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):477-478.
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    Ecrits: A Selection.M. E. Ragland Sullivan, Jacques Lacan & Alan Sheridan - 1978 - Substance 6 (21):166.
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    Breakdown of perceptual awareness in unilateral neglect.E. Bisiach & M. L. Rusconi - 1990 - Cortex 26:643-49.
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    Altering movement parameters disrupts metacognitive accuracy.E. R. Palser, A. Fotopoulou & J. M. Kilner - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 57:33-40.
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    The RāmāyaṇaThe Ramayana.E. B., Herman Jacobi & S. N. Ghosal - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):460.
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  25. Are there logical limits for science?E. M. Zemach - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (4):527-532.
    Rescher has presented a proof that a completed science is logically impossible; not every truth can be known. I show that the proof is valid only if it is read de re. One of its premises, however, is an obvious truth only on a de dicto reading; read de re it is false. What the proof shows, therefore, is that science has no limits and any true proposition can be known. We can, however, know it only in the meagre de (...)
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    Lecturas de Clase, escogidas de autores espanoles que hoy viven.A. M. E. & D. Guillermo I. Knapp - 1880 - American Journal of Philology 1 (4):475.
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    Expressive syntax in children’s literature.E. A. Korableva & M. M. Davydova - 2020 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 9 (5):315.
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    Theory and practice of robots and manipulators.M. H. E. Larcombe - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 11 (3):269-271.
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    Reply to professor Martinich.E. M. Curley - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):285-287.
    Reply to Professor Martinich The editor of this journal has invited me to reply to Professor Martinich's reply to my reply to his reply to my article, on the condition that I should be brief. I shall try to be very brief. Our discussion has probably reached a point at which we can expect dimin- ishing returns. I shall try also to avoid even the slightest hint of irony, though I am not sure I can succeed in that. I am (...)
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    Hypergraph sequences as a tool for saturation of ultrapowers.M. E. Malliaris - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):195-223.
    Let T 1 , T 2 be countable first-order theories, M i ⊨ T i , and ������ any regular ultrafilter on λ ≥ $\aleph_{0}$ . A longstanding open problem of Keisler asks when T 2 is more complex than T 1 , as measured by the fact that for any such λ, ������, if the ultrapower (M 2 ) λ /������ realizes all types over sets of size ≤ λ, then so must the ultrapower (M 1 ) λ /������. (...)
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    Neutron irradiation damage in molybdenum.M. E. Downey & B. L. Eyre - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (109):53-70.
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    E.G.H. Pedaliu, Britain, Italy and the Origins of the Cold War.M. E. Guasconi - 2005 - Polis 19 (1):149-150.
  33. M. Heidegger und Bashos Haiku-Gedicht>> der Bergpass.M. E. Kawahara - 1998 - Synthesis Philosophica 13 (1):409-418.
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    The Trade-Off Between Chicken Welfare and Public Health Risks in Poultry Husbandry: Significance of Moral Convictions.E. Stassen, B. Kemp, E. Ekkel & M. Asselt - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):293-319.
    Welfare-friendly outdoor poultry husbandry systems are associated with potentially higher public health risks for certain hazards, which results in a dilemma: whether to choose a system that improves chicken welfare or a system that reduces these public health risks. We studied the views of citizens and poultry farmers on judging the dilemma, relevant moral convictions and moral arguments in a practical context. By means of an online questionnaire, citizens (n = 2259) and poultry farmers (n = 100) judged three practical (...)
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  35. (2 other versions)Psychiatry and Philosophy.E. W. Straus, M. Natanson & H. Ey - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):396-397.
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    Fear, depression, and well-being during COVID-19 in German and South African students: A cross-cultural comparison.Rainer M. Holm-Hadulla, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Hannes Wendler, Thomas L. Kremer, Yasuhiro Kotera & Sabine C. Herpertz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Various studies have shown a decrease in well-being and an increase in mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, only a few studies have explored fear, depression, and well-being cross-culturally during this time. Accordingly, we present the results of a cross-cultural study that compares these mental health scores for German and South African students, compares the correlations among them, and identifies COVID-19 fear, well-being, and depression predictors. German and South African societies differ from each other socio-culturally, politically, and economically. (...)
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    Die Mathematische Theaetetsstelle.M. E. Paiow - 1982 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 27 (1):87-99.
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  38. J. M. Baldwin, Handbook of Psychology: Feeling and Will.M. E. Lowndes - 1892 - Mind 1:272.
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    (1 other version)The Concept of a Person.E. M. Adams - 1985 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):403-412.
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    The Human Substance.E. M. Adams - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):633 - 652.
    ARE HUMAN beings material substances? If not, are they made of material stuff? And is the world otherwise materialistic? These are ancient questions for which the dominant intellectual framework of our age compels us toward affirmative answers. In this paper, I want to reinterpret the questions, critically examine the currently most popular way of making the case for the affirmative answers, and argue for a somewhat novel way of casting negative answers in search of a more adequate philosophical understanding of (...)
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  41. Neurotechnology as a public good.K. N. Schiller A. M. Jeannotte, E. G. DeRenzo L. M. Reeves & D. K. McBride - 2010 - In James J. Giordano & Bert Gordijn (eds.), Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics. Cambridge University Press.
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    Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von August bis zum Ausgang der Antonine von Ludwig Friedländer. A chte neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage.E. B. M. J. - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (02):62-.
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    The Legislative Authority.M. E. Newhouse - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):531-553.
    This article develops an account of the nature and limits of the state’s legislative authority that closely attends to the challenge of harmonizing Kant’s ethical and juridical theories. It clarifies some key Kantian concepts and terms, then explains the way in which the state’s three interlocking authorities – legislative, executive, and judicial – are metaphysically distinct and mutually dependent. It describes the emergence of the Kantian state and identifies the preconditions of its authority. Then it offers a metaphysical model of (...)
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  44. Uchenie K. Marksa o cheloveke i realʹnyĭ sot︠s︡ializm.E. M. Babosov - 1983 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika".
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    La Presencia de la filosofía en la Universidad Católica (1888-1973).Luis Celis M. & Jaime Caiceo E. (eds.) - 1982 - Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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  46. Nauka, genezis i sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii︠a︡.A. M. Ėkmali︠a︡n - 1983 - Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR.
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    The two faces of charisma: Structure, system, praxis in Islam and hinduism.L. E. E. M. - 1992 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 22 (1):41–62.
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    First notions of the unseen in a child.E. M. Stevens - 1886 - Mind 11 (41):149-152.
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    Food Folio by Columbia Center for Eating Disorders: A Freely Available Food Image Database.E. Caitlin Lloyd, Zarrar Shehzad, Janet Schebendach, Akram Bakkour, Alice M. Xue, Naomi Folasade Assaf, Rayman Jilani, B. Timothy Walsh, Joanna Steinglass & Karin Foerde - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Food images are useful stimuli for the study of cognitive processes as well as eating behavior. To enhance rigor and reproducibility in task-based research, it is advantageous to have stimulus sets that are publicly available and well characterized. Food Folio by Columbia Center for Eating Disorders is a publicly available set of 138 images of Western food items. The set was developed for the study of eating disorders, particularly for use in tasks that capture eating behavior characteristic of these illnesses. (...)
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  50. Vzai︠e︡mozv'i︠a︡zok ateïstychnoho ta moralʹnoho vykhovanni︠a︡.S. M. Vozni︠a︡k, E. K. Duluman & V. N. Fomin (eds.) - 1983 - Kyïv: Nauk. Dumka.
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